Rise Up New Zealand

There are many New Zealanders doing amazing things every day, inspiring and encouraging each other to step up and ‘do their bit’ to help themselves, the people around them, their wider community and out into the wider world.

We recognise that at some stage during our lives, we can each go through a ‘my life is munted’ time, where we face challenges beyond our own ability to cope. These are opportunities for us to help each other, bring hope and inspiration, and by making a difference we grow social cohesion and a sense of journeying through this life together in a positive and uplifting way.

During 2011 we saw the massive result of many people each doing ‘their bit’ to help each other, not just in Canterbury with the earthquakes but across New Zealand. Kiwis from every part of the community each contributed their ideas, time and resources to enable others to reclaim and go forward with their lives whether damaged or ‘munted’ from natural disaster or otherwise.

There are many inspiring stories that we plan to share here.

There ae also future stories that we would like you to be a part of. All it takes is for you to “Rise Up” and encourage someone else by contributing your talent, ability or gift. You are a unique individual able to make a difference to the lives of those around you.

To be a part of Rise Up New Zealand, ‘like’ our Facebook page, join a Facebook group and get connected with others in your own community and across the country. Look for an opportunity where you can help bring hope and resilience to the people around you.  Nothing is impossible!

Let’s bring our inspiration and ideas and make a difference to people’s lives and the world!


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