Queen’s Birthday at the Mount

Today the Mount was buzzing with healthy fitness people enjoying the second day of winter. A friend tells me that people who live at the Mount (=”Mounties”) are just fitter and more ‘out there’ walking and running than people who live, for example, over my way, near Bethlehem. I of course, feeling loyal to my own neighbourhood, debate this, but today when I saw so many people enjoying the weather and getting into the Mount Joggers and Walkers Half Marathon, I thought ‘yes, there’s something about Mount people’.

Having easy activities where anyone can have a go seems to be very popular and make communities into great places to live. Whether it’s walking around or up the Mount or participating in an organised event, there’s plenty to do for any age and ability.

Some pre-China trip reading

When visiting a new country for the first time, it’s fairly clear that going with the attitude ‘we don’t do that in our country’ is not a great way to start. So some background reading to understand country and culture is a must for maximising the opportunity ahead. Building relationships with others is usually about doing one’s best to understand their worldview and look for things in common rather than differences.

Labour Day in New Zealand, reading at the beach

Here’s some of the background reading I’m doing:






Global Trends: Facing up to a Changing World http://www.amazon.com/Global-Trends-Changing-Business-Collection/dp/0230284868/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1345184021&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=global+trends+done%5D

Reading in the sun on the back deck.






















Reflections on China

On the 24th October 2012, I will be travelling to China with a study group from Waikato University 2012 MBA class, returning 10th November. It is an opportunity to observe business practices in China and it means having the opportunity to:

– network with New Zealanders abroad
– learn about business and forming partnerships with foreign entities and how foreign economies function
– visit Universities and attend some of the lectures
– visit corporate environments and factory sites
– meet New Zealand Government staff charged with assisting New Zealanders in business and furthering New Zealand business interests in foreign environments

I will be visiting Taiwan, Guangzhou, Macau, Beijing, Xi’an, and Shanghai, and plan to update here with reflections on this trip.

China business tour 24th October – 10th November 2012

Everyone can do something

During 2011 we saw the massive result of many people each doing ‘their bit’ to help each other, not just in Canterbury but across New Zealand. Kiwis from every part of the community each contributed their ideas, time and resources to enable others to reclaim and go forward with their lives whether damaged or ‘munted’ from natural disaster or otherwise.

There are many inspiring stories that we plan to share here.

There are also future stories that we would like you to be a part of. All it takes is for you to “Rise Up” and encourage someone else by contributing your talent, ability or gift. You are a unique individual able to make a difference to the lives of those around you.

To be a part of Rise Up New Zealand, ‘like’ our Facebook page, join a Facebook group and get connected with others in your own community and across the country. Look for an opportunity where you can help bring hope and resilience to the people around you. Nothing is impossible!


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